Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sleep Training: Part Deux

Last night went pretty well! I was more upset at the thought of it than it was to Zeke, but it all turned out alright. We laid him down at 7:30 after our regular bedtime routine, cried for a bit, and then he woke up for the day at 7:30. He did wake up twice, 1:24 and 5:00, but at this age, 2 night wakings is fine. The kicker of it is, when he woke up in the middle of the night, I was able to put him back to sleep. His problem has always been waking up around 3-4 and not going back to sleep (for an hour or more) so I was glad to be able to get him right back down. He was so happy when I went to him this morning, after he awoke in his crib! I would say he had some restful sleep.

Since the book recommends naps and nighttime being done at the same time, I knew, and dreaded, the fact that we were going to have to fight the naptime battle as well. Zeke has always been better about his naps than his sissy (she slept easier at night, but took no naps) but his naps are so irregular and short at times, and some days I just fight him all day to take a single nap. For example, yesterday he took 4 naps total. Each one lasting between 20-45 minutes-- sometimes not having more than an hour between naps! This is the stuff that makes stay at home moms lose their minds. It just about made me lose mine, at least. So, I knew as painful as it might be, I would have to tackle naps today as well. Weissbluth says not to take any more than 3 hours for awake time for Zeke's age, so we were on nap watch from about 9:30- 10:30. He seemed ready for a nap around 10:15 so we read a book, nursed, and I placed him in his crib, asleep, to see what happened. He promptly awoke, obviously ticked that he was in his crib, and started to protest. I silently reminded myself that he needed sleep, just like any other basic need, and so this was necessary. Well, then something remarkable happened. He fell asleep. Within 5 minutes! I was amazed and relieved. Hopefully nap #2 will go as smoothly!

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