Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Finally, a Tooth!?

So Caylen has been feeling crummy for the last week or so and she seemed to get better but then yesterday she started running a fever so I, of course, was scared that she was getting sick again. The past couple of days she has wanted to nurse all the time so I knew she didn't feel well, but today she was nursing and she bit me three times! And, it hurt more than normal! She kept giving me this look like, "What? Why are you shrieking like that?" which is not normal because normally when she bites me she is just tired and she never does it over and over again. Well, I reached into her mouth to see what was the problem and TADA there was a little tooth poking through! You can't see it yet, but it feels like a little pin sticking out of her gums (very sharp). It seems like she has been teething forever and we have been able to see these 2 teeth here on the bottom for months! Just last night I was thinking about how cute her little gummy baby smile was, and I thought to myself "the one time I think I am going to miss her toothless smile..... she'll probably cut a tooth tomorrow.....!"......And here it comes! When it comes in fully, I will make sure to get some pics!

Friday, September 25, 2009

H1N1-- Such Fun!

So, this week Caylen came down with something and got pretty sick and we took her to the walk-in clinic. They couldn't really tell what it was, but they told us to keep her on Tylenol and Motrin. She was running a fever as high as 104 at one point, and they still told us that it could possibly just be teething! I knew that it had to be more than that but I had no clue how bad she felt until I got sick as well! It is definitely the flu, and they say anyone with flu symptoms this early has the 'swine flu.' Of course this scared the crap out of me since Caylen is still so little, but she nursed constantly for 2 days straight and she seemed to be feeling a lot better on the 3rd day. I am currently on my second day, and they say that the worst part lasts about 48 hours, so I am hoping I will feel much better tomorrow. My only worry is that mine will develop, or already has developed, into bronchitis because I always seem to get bronchitis when I get sick. I hope Caylen continues to get better and doesn't have a relapse or anything, and I hope she doesn't get the cough like I have had. I have been itching to wean here lately but this had made me very thankful that even when she refused to eat or drink anything, she always wanted to nurse. Sure, it is not near the caloric density that she needs, but it is so much better than her not eating or drinking at all! I am trying to stay away from Brandon so he doesn't get it but honestly the outlook is pretty grim....

So, I didn't get the job I interviewed for, but I am actually pretty happy. It was a really good job and all but I wasn't anywhere near ready to take Caylen to daycare 5 days a week, even if it is just a half-day. It was also pretty far for us and I would have to leave our house with Caylen at 6 AM! I just don't see how it would have worked anyway so I prayed about it a lot and I think it all turned out the way it should! I will be working at the Funeral Home a couple of days a week though now, but I can take Caylen with me so it is much better. I also like that I would be helping out in the family business-- I really like the fact that Brandon and I could both be in the family business together. God always has a plan that is better than our own-- it took me a while to figure that out! I might get back into teaching sometime in the future, but as of now we are not ready yet.

Well, I hope the Burkhead family gets to feeling better soon; I am going to go through and disinfect everything after this is all through!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We Have a Crawler!

Yep, so Caylen is officially a full-time crawler by now! She started crawling back in Texas, as referenced before, but now she is crawling everywhere! And, her teeth seem to be cutting any day now. She has started babbling a lot, and sometimes it sounds like she is speaking her own language! Her favorite word is "dada" or "adda" and she also says a few more 'word approximations' like "no," "uh-uh," "kee" for cat, and she did call my mom's dog "do" the other day a couple of times, but I am not positive that is what she meant. She has been sleeping through the night, too, for the last few weeks, and I am so glad! She refuses to take naps in her crib though, now, but I can handle that better than lack of sleep. She has discovered the stairs at my mom and dad's house and she has started to try and climb them! She is starting to use some of her signs, too, even though her receptive sign language vocabulary has been built up for some time. Example, I sign "drink" and she knows to get her cup but she has yet to sign "drink" herself. She is just growing up so fast; I am so proud of her! I love to watch her grow and change almost every day!

Well, as for the rest of the family, Brandon is still loving his new job and I am very glad of that! I have a job interview tomorrow, Monday, with a school system for a half-time SPED position. I am nervous-- I haven't done an interview in a while and I haven't been an actual teacher for a while longer! I think it is a great position though and I hope I get it, but if I don't, it is okay because it really breaks my heart to think about putting Caylen in daycare, even if it is just part-time. Well, there's no use in worrying about the interview, it is all in God's hands, and it will inevitably work out the way it should as long as I hold up my end.

Well, there really is more to say but that is all I can think of tonight so that is it until next time! Perhaps I will have a new addition to the blog tomorrow??

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back in GA at Last!

Well, we are finally settled in! We have actually been 'settled' since Wednesday of last week, but we just now got internet! I can't believe that we made it this long without internet, to be honest. So, our household goods came here to Dahlonega on the 31st. We also did our walk-through on that day as well. The movers were done by early afternoon that day so we had the rest of the day to unpack, and then we unpacked Tuesday and Wednesday everything was put away! We were lacking a few things so we went to Target for them and bought Brandon some work clothes as well while we were out. Brandon started his first day on Monday and he absolutely loves it! Never in the 4.25 years we have been married, exact to the day actually, have I ever seen him come home from work with a smile and want to talk about how his day was! I am so happy for him, and we are all so happy to be back with everyone. I, however have been so so so SOO incredibly busy I think the top of my head might spin off just any minute! There is so much to do, really, and it seems like the minute we got here there was a never ending list of to-do's.

Caylen is almost 11 months already! Whew, it has all gone by so fast! This means she is having a birthday coming up soon and I feel so unprepared. I know I have not put up many recent pictures, but I have just finished putting up a few on facebook that are a mixture of Caylen at 10 months old. She has changed so much this month! And, we have been so busy too! Those pictures can be viewed here, by the way.

So, next month, right before Caylen's birthday, we are all going to Disney World! Yay! I always thought Caylen would be older for her first trip, but I know she will have fun anyway. We are going with mom and dad, and Anna and Ava (aka Caylen's favorite little girl :-] ). Well, that is about it for this post; Caylen is taking a nap, oh glorious nap, for the first day in 5 days so I am going to take this time to breathe deeply......