Thursday, November 18, 2010

My New Obsession....

Once upon a time, about 3 years ago, I wanted to learn how to knit. I bought some bamboo needles, a book, and some cotton yarn. After about 3 hours and one large knot, I broke my needles and shredded my book (this was obviously before I had children, seeing how my patience was rarely tested, but when it was, I got mad, or as I like to refer to it, frustrated). Anyway, looking back, I see that I did 3 things wrong:

1.) I tried to learn knitting from a book. Have you ever learned how to swim from reading a book? Or maybe how to ride a bike? Yeah, you would be frustrated too.
2.) I bought bamboo needles, and small ones at that. The yarn doesn't slide so well on them, so in my opinion, they are not the best for a beginner, as the metal ones are.
3.) I bought cotton yarn. Cotton doesn't give, it doesn't stretch. Wool is best to learn on, I have found-- it stretches, it is forgiving, and it doesn't separate like cotton does.

So, I swore off knitting. I thought it was the worst hobby anyone could have. It was a time consuming, arduous task that was clearly impossible to learn!

Then..... I got a lesson from a person.  Brandon has been encouraging me to pick it back up ever since, and so he set me up with a lady from church. She came over and taught me how to cast on, the knit stitch, and how to cast off.  I caught on pretty quick, if I may say so myself.... haha... I guess I already 'knew' the basics! I could sit there and tell you all about knitting, like reading it from a book, but I didn't know how to actually do it.

Now, I do. And, I love it! I have already made a washcloth, a diaper insert, I am working on a pot holder and I have knitted almost a whole skein of yarn's worth in the shape of um, well, I don't know. It was just 'practice.' I have since unraveled all that I could and have 'recycled' it.

This has come at a really great time-- our life is just not going the way we had planned it, not bad, just not what we were planning. So, this helps keep my mind off of how I wanted things to be.

Next stop, sewing and serging!

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