Monday, November 30, 2009

New Washer, Dryer, and Highchair!

So we got our new washer and dryer in today, finally; they delayed the delivery a few days so my laundry was piled up pretty high! I just finished my first load in them and they work unbelievably well! Some of Caylen's clothes that our old washer couldn't get the stains out of in 3 washes, this one did it in one!! I am so incredibly pleased I can't describe it! I thought I was going to have to throw away some of her shirts that she had soiled... But now they are good as new! When the guy came to install them for us my jaw was dropped just looking at them, they are so pretty and so fancy! I couldn't fathom that a washer and dryer could even be that high tech! It is digital and it has these beeping sounds when you choose the cycle and it has a little chime when the cycle is done. I am so grateful that I am able to have such nice things; I had no idea I would ever be able to have such a nice appliance. So I would, not surprisingly, give them both a 5 star rating!

The highchair of Caylen's is really good too. We have had it about a week and we still love it. She is almost too big for the tray, but we figured that she might be. We aren't too worried about her not getting enough use out of it either because we will definitely be using it with the next one!

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