Friday, October 29, 2010

Apple Sauce, Apple Jelly!

So while I am waiting on my jars to finish processing, I figured I would write a little post on what I am making. I mean, I am always making something, but this time I have a little down time to write. So. I took the cores and peels of 15 apples, cut them up, simmered them, strained them, processed in a blender. Oh, Vitamix, how I covet thee.... Anyway, I boiled the applesauce, and now I am boiling the jars. Sterilizing them, of course. And, the lids. I have about 4 more minutes so I will try to make this short. Next of course I will fill said sanitized jars with applesauce then process in my pressure canner.

It's definitely not like me to waste, so what I did with the cores and peels is this: I will boil them down, then strain, add sugar and pectin, boil again, then put in jelly jars. So, my end products are some applesauce and apple jelly! If you read this, you might expect to get a jar or two, along with some other homemade goodies for Christmas--If you're lucky-- haha!

Gotta go get those jars!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Productive Day!

I haven't written in a while, but I thought I would break the silence with a small post.

It's been a pretty perfect Saturday, if you ask me. I got up at about 7 with Caylen, fed her breakfast, made pancakes and tea, ate them with Brandon, we got showered and ready, then Caylen and I went to Walmart, with our freshly peeled apple in tow for her shopping snack. She was very well behaved and sweet on this trip, which is unusual. We leave there, go to Ken's Herbs, I get a few items, and she asks to go potty there, as she likes to check out the potty everywhere she goes. She was, I won't lie, quite trying at Ken's, but we found what we wanted and left.
We get home and eat lunch: leftover homemade vegetable noodle soup and crackers. Caylen eats great, for the second meal in a row, hey we're on a roll! I get to work soaking peas for split pea soup, make shampoo and toothpaste, yogurt, and some rye bread. I candy some apples. Then Caylen, after a little hesitation, goes down for a nap. And here we are.

Ahhhh! If only every Saturday could be this great!